Port community

Port Control

Castellón Port Control

port Control

The fundamental purpose of Castellón Port Control, which is situated on the Muelle Transversal Exterior, is to ensure maritime safety in the Port of Castellón as well as providing information to the port community of Castellón.

Through the Contract that has been signed between the Port Authority of Castellón and SASEMAR (Society for Sea Rescue and maritime Safety) the controlers who work in this company carry out three principle tasks:

1-     Control of traffic in and around the port.
2-     Coordination in cases of emergencies at sea in the maritime province of Castellón.
3-     Coordination in cases of emergency inside the port.

Castellón Port Control operates 24/7 , with two controllers on duty at all times, in order to deal with all the tasks that are their responsibility, and as a communications centre for the port community, or for emergencies. They use the VHF channel 11 and the telephone number 964 737 202.