
Innovation strategy

Innovation strategy

Today’s technological revolution is so fast and far-reaching that constant efforts are needed to keep ahead of the curve. Therefore, PortCastelló has set up an Innovation Unit in its Blue Growth Department to address the challenges outlined in the Strategic Framework for Spanish Ports and PortCastelló’s SP20-24.

Our SInnP23-24 (Strategic Innovation Plan) defines our Innovation Mission and Vision as:

while safeguarding the organisation’s overarching values which include INNOVATION.

Our three core innovation strands for the next two years have also been mapped out. The third is especially significant since it is a transformational factor in driving an INNOVATION CULTURE as a corporate lever to match the organisation’s talent to the challenges of the future.

Furthermore, digital transformation as addressed by the DTO (Digital Transformation Office) equips us to become a Smart Port of the future. These are ports which harness technology to upgrade and enhance maritime transport by making their port processes and services more effective. The goal is to achieve greater efficiency and meet the needs of customers and users.

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