
Innovation projects

Innovation projects

The APC is closely involved in drawing up ideas for innovation projects in the innovation hubs described and is also engaged in rolling out ongoing projects in the Ports 4.0 calls for
proposals. This is an initiative run by the State-owned Ports Body to support building and consolidating a network of start-ups, spin-offs and new lines of business in technology.


Development of a low-cost sensor-based and artificial intelligence system to control and reduce the impacts of diffuse particle emissions in port environments. These technologies offer solutions with high added value which will enable PortCastelló and port industry businesses to become more competitive while improving their eco-efficiency and sustainability parameters which in turn are strategic strands for PortCastelló.

The MACHSENSE solution will deliver a digital platform which can estimate the impact of diffuse particles in port environments, enabling port authorities to minimise the environmental, economic and social impact of their activities and also to plan bulk operations in response to potentially adverse conditions.

Featured innovations:

  • Does not require expert knowledge.
  • Use of low-cost sensors (approx. €5K).
  • Mobile system, can be placed anywhere, does not require mains power supply or air conditioning.
  • Built-in info storage and forwarding system.
  • Low sensor maintenance.


The VIPE project is developing a control, monitoring and early warning system based on the geometric evolution of damage to port infrastructure.

The VIPE project’s main purpose is to improve the service levels of the port and its concessions through the provision of tools with high technological value that support decision-making in port management and operations. The project has a major impact on: (i) infrastructure reliability; (ii) upkeep and maintenance; (iii) design and implementation of maritime and land works; (iv) capacity analysis; (v) investment justification, and (vi) indirect monitoring of concessions and activities in concession areas.

The solution includes three key technologies in satellite radar, artificial intelligence and data management platforms. It can be embedded directly in port IT architectures or posted on existing visualisation and value-added platforms.

The satellite radar technology used in the project is called Differential Interferometry with Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR). This technology describes the historical and current deformations of the terrain and infrastructures on any point on the planet with millimetric precision but does not require ground-based instrumentation.

The project includes building artificial intelligence-based models for vulnerability quantification, early anomaly detection and prioritisation of port infrastructure improvement and maintenance interventions.


System to identify, alert, locate, trace and keep afloat maritime containers which fall into the sea during transport and make it possible to salvage them.

The Container Overboard System (COBS) provides instant alerts about a container going overboard, identifies which container has been lost and reports its location in real time, enabling containment measures to be taken as soon as possible. It also has a buoyancy system that prevents the container from sinking so that it can be salvaged.

This lessens the impact on the logistics chain, assists with the potential recovery of the cargo and averts the risk of collision with other vessels. It also helps to pinpoint the causes of the incident which, at present, poses enormous difficulties when it comes to defining liability.

The system can be easily fitted to the container and its buoyancy and tracking devices are triggered when the container falls into the sea. COBS is based on how life rafts work but is used instead for assets, in this case, containers.

The system consists of two parts:

  • An Alarm and Traceability system which is triggered once the container has fallen overboard; and
  • A Buoyancy and Visibility system which stops the container from sinking and means it can be salvaged.


The IDAE (Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy), which is dependent on the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, has granted the Port Authority of Castellon funding to renew the energy efficiency of its infrastructures. The purpose of the approved project is to upgrade the energy efficiency of its street lighting system at the Port of Castellon, replacing the current luminaires with LED technology (high efficiency, reduced consumption).

The work involves replacing 761 luminaires, refurbishing four secondary lighting control centres, adapting the earthing system in certain areas, replacing the power line, adapting 13 connection points located in different transformer centres, a remote management system for 87 luminaires and technical assistance.

The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of August this year and has a budget of €1,035,724.24. The Port Authority has received a subsidy of €517,362.13. The project represents an energy saving of 47%, thereby reducing the carbon footprint by 148 tonnes of CO2/year.

Public lighting represents the main source of electricity consumption in the port and is the port authority’s main energy cost. Therefore, it follows that the upgrades made to public lighting aimed at improving efficiency will have a significant impact on reducing the Port of Castellon’s energy consumption and expenditure.

This project highlights the Port Authority of Castellon’s steadfast, clear commitment to sustainability, and as our Strategic Plan Mission Statement says, “driving the blue transition to connect us to a better world”, including innovation and sustainability as the cornerstones of everything we do.


The project comes under the funding for Low Carbon Economy projects, promoted by the Spanish Government, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and managed by the IDAE, within the framework of Spain’s 2014-2020 multi-regional Operational Programme, aimed at achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy and financed as part of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.



This is an innovative project to develop a device to reduce noise and breathable particles. The device will be developed using the technology called  “sound crystals”, barriers formed with discontinuous elements known as dispersers which, when combined with a water diffusion system, form a permeable acoustic barrier able to absorb breathable size particles, i.e., PM10, PM2.5 and black carbon.

This solution has a low landscape impact and will generate significant benefits for the health of people living close to the port areas and also for the environment as it is a means of alleviating and reducing two of the most significant sources of pollution in the port setting: noise and dust pollution.

The project’s innovation is based on harnessing the air permeability of this type of screen to fashion a new integrated device with the twofold function of reducing noise and atmospheric pollution.