Press releases
The Port Authority of Castellon is set to participate in this year’s Transport Logistic Munich fair, to be held from 9 to 12 May.
PortCastelló is the Mediterranean’s logistics platform. The latest figures put it firmly on the podium as one of Spain’s fastest growing ports. It ranks ninth out of the 46 Spanish state-owned ports in terms of goods traffic and has consolidated its position as the third largest facility in terms of solid bulk throughput.
The Port arrives at the event in a strong position, with 2022 going down as the third best year on record at the Port of Castellon in terms of total goods traffic, despite the current global crisis, with a total throughput of 21 million tonnes.
The Port of Castellon is currently a diversified, multi-traffic port, which makes it more resilient to market fluctuations. It plays an essential role in promoting the economic development of its environment and strives to facilitate international trade and create wealth.
PortCastelló will also be presenting the port’s new production and logistics infrastructures, including Octopus. This project plans to reclaim 420,000 m2 from the sea, in addition to the 500,000m2 already available in the South Dock, making a total of almost one million square metres at the quayside for new industries to be set up. In fact, there are already firms that have shown their interest in locating in this area.
In addition, PortCastelló will be showcasing the progress made in new operational infrastructures that will make it more competitive and efficient for its customers. These include the south rail access, the connection between docks and the intermodal station. These investments will be a major step forward for the port, providing it with optimum land, road and rail links. This global rail connectivity project with a public investment of €250 million is the largest in the province of Castellon’s history and is being financed by the European Union’s NextGenerationEU initiative.
The Port of Castellon is attending the fair having recently renewed its PERS (Port Environmental Review System) certification, the only environmental management standard specifically designed for ports, which is endorsed by the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) and awarded by Ecoports. Environmental sustainability is a cornerstone of PortCastelló’s strategy, as reflected in the new Strategic Plan which highlights the drive towards a blue transition and sustainable growth to become a benchmark for other Spanish and European ports.