
Press releases

Maritina Vidal appointed to replace José María Gómez as the new director of PortCastelló

31 May 2023

31-05-2023. At its board meeting today, the Port Authority of Castellon’s Board of Directors agreed to appoint Maritina Vidal as the new Director of PortCastelló, following the resignation of the previous incumbent, José María Gómez.

Maritina Vidal has a degree in Business Administration and Management, a Master’s degree in International Business Management from the Castellon Chamber of Commerce and a Master’s degree in International Business Management from ESADE Business School.

Maritina Vidal is currently the Head of the Finance Department and coordinates the Management Area at the Port Authority of Castellon. She will be joining the Board of Directors on 15 June.

The Board of Directors has also approved the inclusion of four new goods charge rebates in accordance with its traffic diversification strategy. Specifically, 10% rebates have been approved for alumina, biomass and scrap metal, and 30% for tractor, trailer and semi-trailer traffic.


The Board of Directors also reached the following agreements:


  • Approval of an agreement between the Port Authority of Castellon and the Civil Engineers Association for the endorsement of professional work.
  • Granting of authorisation to Miller y Compañía S.A., for the provision of shipping agency services in the port.
  • Administrative concession to Lagoa Materias Primas S.L. for the occupancy of a plot in the South Dock, to be used for the loading, unloading, storage and mixing of mineral raw materials related to the ceramic tile industry.
  • Substantial amendment due to the extension of an area of 110 m2 of the administrative concession granted to EL SUQUET DE LA PLAZA DEL MAR, S.L. for the use and operation of premises 6, type I located in the Plaza del Mar recreational area.
  • Substantial amendment due to the extension of a surface area of 312.23 m2 of the administrative concession granted to JOSÉ LUIS ZAMORA E HIJOS, S.L. for the use and operation of premises 9, type II located in the Plaza del Mar recreational area.
  • Substantial amendment due to the extension of a surface area of 445.15 m2 of the administrative concession granted to SERVICIOS GASTRONÓMICOS J. ZAMORA, S.L. for the use and operation of the port canteen, located in the service area of the Port of Castellon.
  • Waiver of the administrative concession granted to Pesca Grossa, S.L. for the occupancy of hut number 308 on the Costa Quay, located in the fishing port, in the Port of Castellon’s service area.
  • Waiver of the administrative concession granted to Pesca Grossa, S.L. for the occupancy of hut number 410 on the Costa Quay, located in the fishing port, in the Port of Castellon’s service area.
  • Change of ownership of the administrative concession granted to Juan Vicente Pol Camañ for the occupancy of hut number 10 located in the fishing port, in the Port of Castellon’s service area, to Samiet, 2016, S.L.
  • Change of ownership of the administrative concession granted to Juan Vicente Pol Camañ for the occupancy of hut number 26 located in the fishing port, in the Port of Castellon’s service area, to Samiet, 2016, S.L.


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