
Press releases

The Port Authority of Castellón publishes its annual report 2020

27 August 2021

Portada Memoria Anual 2020

27-08-2021. The 2020 Annual Report of the port of Castellón reflects the port activity carried out during this year under the slogan “The future begins today.” This document summarizes the most outstanding data of the port area in all its areas, from the economic, through environmental sustainability and actions for port-province integration. It also summarizes the traffic data by type of merchandise for 2020, a year in which PortCastelló has invested 11 million euros in bonuses to the port sector to alleviate the economic effects derived from the pandemic.

The Report publishes other lines of action linked to its Strategic Plan that was approved in 2020 with the horizon set in 2024 and that defines the strategy to follow to enhance the competitiveness of the port under the umbrella of the Sustainable Development Goals. It also includes the productive investments made in PortCastelló that have allowed the port to consolidate as the ninth in the Spanish port system in terms of freight traffic and the second in solid bulk traffic.

In addition, it mentions the measures promoted in the field of environmental protection, the specific actions for the port’s interaction with its surroundings and the alliances sealed to promote the knowledge economy.

The Report highlights that PortCastelló is the first Port Authority in terms of transparency.

The document can be viewed through the website of the port of Castellón:


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