Press releases
The PAC will try to have the building certified as BIC (property of cultural interest) and make it both a tourist attraction and of use to local people.
The president of the Port Authority of Castellón, Francisco Toledo, has had a meeting with the mayor of Oropesa, Rafael Albert, and councillor Arantxa Martinez, in order to decide on the best means to put the Oropesa lighthouse building and the surrounding land to good use. At present the building is uninhabited although the lighthouse is maintained and in use.
During the meeting it was agreed that the town council would participate in making decisions about the best way to make use of the building, becoming a part of the team which is currently studying the restoration. Toledo stated that the objective is to, “alter as little and possible the structure of the building and to conserve the facade and the interior walls.”
The president of PortCastelló agreed with the mayor of Oropesa about the need to put the building to good use and to put a stop to its deterioration and to make it a positive asset to the town. Toledo said that in his opinion, “the lighthouse could become an attractive feature of the town and add to its interest for tourists along with the ‘Torre del Rey’. He pointed out that it would be particularly interesting once the building had been given an attractive appearance, if cultural information was displayed in the building and music performed there. At some time in the next few weeks the president of the Port Authority will visit the lighthouse together with the mayor. The lighthouse was built next to the ‘Torre del Rey’ four centuries after the construction of this tower and came into operation for the first time in 1857. It became a key navigation aid for shipping in this area and is catalogued by the Ministry of Culture as being of interest as industrial heritage. It is precisely for its cultural heritage value and its unique type that the Port Authority of Castellón will request that it will be declared officially as BIC (Property of cultural interest)