
Press releases


PortCastelló carries out a fire drill

A fire drill was carried out in the South Basin area of the Port of Castellón, specifically in the site behind the UBE concession where tanks for chemical products are situated.

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The Port Authority has made the awards for the Christmas card competititon

Until the 7th January, the Moruno Building in Grao de Castellón is showing an exhibition of drawing by boys and girls who have participated in the IV Port Authority Christmas Card Competition.

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PortCastelló has started up a new online service to provide advice to users

The Port Authority of Castellón has started up a new service to provide advice to clients online via its website. The objective of the scheme is to improve the service to clients and provide information to anyone interested in setting up a business in the port of Castellón.

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PortCastelló recieves its biggest ever shipmen of clay

The port of Castellón has received a total of  2.027.713 tons of clay in 2017, 69,4% more than the previous year

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Three students design the Christmas Card for PortCastelló

The invitation to students to participate in the design of a Christmas card forms a part of the Port Authority’s Action Plan for Corporate

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The Port Authority announces the beginning of third edition of the Lighthouse Awards

The objective of the scheme is to reinforce the sense of belonging to the Port Community and to help the public to get to know the port better and to give recognition to those who have done especially good work

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Toledo presents the case for the cantabrian-mediterranean corridor

PortCastelló will invest 37 million euros in improving rail connections

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One hundred years history of the lighthouse on the Muelle de Costa

Unpublished photos, century old plans, books, inventories, manuscripts, and marine signalling equipment all form a part of this exhibition entitled, ‘One Hundred Years of Light’, which was inaugurated to today by the president of the Port Authority of Castellón, Francisco Toledo,  in order to commemorate the one hundred years history of the lighthouse on the Muelle de Costa.

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100 years of light

The Port Authority has organized an exhibition in the Moruno Building about the 100 year history of the lighthouse on the Muelle de Costa.

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PortCastelló returns best ever figures for the month of september in total goods traffic

The port of Castellón has an accumulated growth of 10% so far this year, a total of  13.983.202 tons

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PortCastelló participates in Fruit Attraction with record figures

In 2017 PortCastelló has increased its traffic in fruit,vegetables and legumes by 112%.

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Portsur its biggest ever shipment of clay

So far this year the PortCastelló terminal has organised the unloading of  1.556.727 tons of raw materials for the ceramics industry consolidating its position as the logistics centre for the industry.

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PortCastelló reinforces the area of environmental sustainability

Toledo has stated that the port of Castellón “complies completely with current legislation but we want to go further than that.”

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Four recent developments that mark PortCastello’s progress towards sustainable development

Sibelco Minerales Cerámicos S.A. has extended its concession by 12.000 m2, an investment of  398,313.6 euros

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The ceramics sector shows interest in the development of intermodality at PortCastelló

The port of is currently participating in the Cersaie trade fair in Bologna in order to support the ceramics sector and to make known its offer of infrastructure and services.

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PortCastelló receives its biggest ever ship carrying arcilla

 The Kang Shun  docks at PortSur with  53.758 tons

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Puerto Castellon 21

PortCastelló closes the month of august with its best ever monthly figures for solid bulks

The port of Castellón has also returned the figures for the best August ever in total goods traffic and the accumulated growth so far this year is 10%.

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PortCastelló consolidates its strong economic position

In summarising the results since taking up his position, the president of the Port Authority has highlighted the 157 million euros of public investment that has been committed until 2021 and the increase in traffic which is considerably above the average in the Spanish port system.

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The port of Castellón promotes cruise ship traffic at Seatrade Europe

The manager of the PortCastelló Foundation is working through a very full agenda in order to attract new cruise ships to Castellón.

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PortCastelló has begun drawing up the project for the southern railway access

The Port Authority will invest a million euros to ensure that plans for this vital  infrastructure go ahead.

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PortCastelló modifies its investment plan in order to maintain growth

This modification will enable the Port Authority to carry out actions costing  5.585.000 euros and which will deal with the predicted demands of increasing imports of solid bulks

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Traffic at PortCatelló in july this year has increased by 23,3%

The accumulated annual growth now stands at 10.9%

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Toledo informs the port community about the latest record for traffic achieved by PortCastelló

The Port of Castellon has started work on a new Strategy Plan now that the objectives set in the previous one have been achieved.

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Puerto Castellon 26

PortCastelló closes its best month ever in goods traffic

For the first time ever PortCastelló has exceeded 1.7 million tons  in one month and its growth so far this year stands at 9%

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PortCastelló installs an anti pollution barrier in the inner harbour

The port of Castellón now has three of these barriers to deal with situations involving oil or chemical spills in harbour waters.

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The port of Castellón its largest ever shipment of clay

Coming from the Ukraine the Ci Yun Shan carries 50,500 tons of clay.

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Stella Maris opens its new centre in the port of Castellón

The Port Authority of Castellón has provided a property where merchant seaman passing through the port of Castellón can received attention and assistance.

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A distillation tower weighing 693 tons is unloaded at PortCastelló

The tower left the port of Shangai a months ago bound for the BP refinery at Castellón.

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PortCastelló Foundation gets new partners and sponsors

The Board approves the accounts for 2016 which show a positive result of around 76,000 euros.

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PortCastelló hosts a conference on ciber security

The Port Authority has organised opportunities for the staff of the Port Community to learn more about the subject information security.

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Portsur extends its concession rights to 14 years with a commitment to invest 8.318.000 euros

The President of the Port Authority of Castellón, Francisco Toledo, emphasised that “the commitment to this investment is a clear sign of the confidence in PortCastelló”

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2017-05-24 Parking

The Port Authority of Castellón makes a car park avilable for the Red Pier Fest

The president Francicso Toledo is confident that the Festival to be held on the ‘Muelle de Costa’ will be successful.

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Pensioners from Cabanes visit the PortCastelló

The visit to the Port of Castellón by the Pensioners Association of Cabanes takes place within the policy of the Port Authority to promote good relations between the port and citizens of the province and especially those in education, in order to strengthen the links between the port and the town.

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Students from the Polytechnical University of València visit PortCastelló

The students have taken a tour of the main infrastructures of the port of Castellón, such as the South Basin and the Eastern Breakwater.

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Barrera anticontaminación puerto de Castellón

PortCastelló installs a floating anti pollution barrier, the only one of its kind in Spain

The Port Authority of Castellón has invested 170.000 euros in this equipment which gives the port of Castellón the most up to date protection of its kind.

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Transport Logistic Munich

PortCastelló participates in Transport Logistic of Munich

The Port Authority of Castellón, through the PortCastelló Foundation, together with representatives of the Port Community, is participating in the Transport Logistic Munich at the State Ports stand.

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Granel sólido puerto de Castellón

PortCastelló start up a new system for operating with soild bulks

The aim is to increase efficiency and to become more competitive, owing to the growth in this type of traffic

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Tráfico mercancías puerto de Castellón

PortCastelló host a conference on the subject of the law of maritime navigation

The event will take place this Friday with free acces and limited capacity

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PortCastelló host an exhibition on GNL

PortCastelló host a traveling exhibition about the use of liquid natural gas as fuel.

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PortCastello recibe el mayor cargamento de arcilla en su historia

PortCastelló participates in Breakbulk with a spectacular growth in solid bulks

The port of Castellón will demonstrate its potential special project cargo services at the trade fair in Antwerp.

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The Segon Moli Association visits PortCastello

About 40 members of the Segon Molí Association of Castellón have visited the port to learn more about its importance with respect to the generation of employment and wealth for the economy of the Province of Castellón.

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Students visit PortCastelló

Students for the Business of Valencia visit the Port of Castellón

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The leisure area of the PortCastelló recives 10.000 school children

 An important objective of the Port Authority of Castellón is to promote a good relationship between the port and the town.

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PortCastelló participates in Seatrade Cruise Global

 PortCastelló will advertise its offer for cruise ship tourists at the most important trade fair in the sector.

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PortCastelló tráfico mercancías

Spectacular growth in goods traffic at PortCastelló

The Port of Castelló closes February 2017 with record figures for goods traffic

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PortCastelló joins the acts on Women’s Day Celebration

 The Port Authority of Castellón holds ceremonies for the 8th of March

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Young students from Vila-real visit the PortCastelló

A group of 65 pupils for the Santa María de Vila-real primary school have visited the port of Castellón as a part of the programme ‘get to know your port.

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The new valuation of land at PortCastelló will reduce its value by 14,6%

PortCastelló will have a Stella Maris centre available to provide free care for merchant seamen

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Élite Cementos, José Luis Greño and The Red Cross, PortCastelló Lighthouse Prizes

The jury for the second year of the awards has given recognition to  work for the environment and  commitment to social and work safety issues.

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PortCastelló has set up a Supplies Coordination Committe

The President of the Port Authority explained that,”this is a group made up of eight people and the aim is to receive information about essential supplies required by companies operating in the port so that measures can be taken and in the case of strike action taken by the stevedores, these supplies can be guaranteed and none of these companies will have to interrupt production because of a strike. “

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Toledo visits the lighthouse at Oropesa in order to begin its refurbishment

The President of the Port Authority of Castellón, Francisco Toledo, and the managing director Roberto Arzo this morning visited the Oropesa lighthouse building accompanied by the mayor Rafael Albert, the councillor for local heritage Mari Carmen Taulé, the councillor for Oropesa ‘Si se puede’ Arantxa Martinez, who presented a motion on this matter.

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Premios Faro PortCastelló

Noclafilms gains recognition from the judges of the II PortCastelló Lighthouse prizes

For the second year running the Port Authority will award prizes to those projects which help to consolidate the port of Castellón

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El puerto de Castellón desde el aire

Impressive 16,7% growth in ceramics traffic at PortCastelló in 2016

The port community is meeting with representatives of the ceramics industry with the aim of exceeding the record traffic figures for 2016

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PortCastelló reaches fifth and sixth positions in Spanish classifications thanks to the traffic in ceramics

Reduced costs and specialised facilities on the ceramics dock are the keys to this success.

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Faro de Oropesa

The Port Authority will carry out restoration work on the Oropesa lighthouse

The PAC will try to have the building certified as BIC (property of cultural interest) and make it both a tourist attraction and of use to local people.

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PortCastelló starts a new campaign to attract cruise ship traffic

Francisco Toledo has set as the objective to increase the average number of visits per year from two to ten

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APC and the economics council collaborate on the designs of `Parc Castelló´

Francisco Toledo considers that it is is necessary to reorganise this area and make more efficient use of it.

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The port participates in the Fruit Logistics Fair of Berlin

PortCastelló has increased the quantity of fruit and vegetables being moved through the port by 18.75% in 2016.

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Toledo presents the objectives for 2017

Francisco Toledo presents the closing data for 2016 and the objectives for this year.

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The PortCastelló Foundation completes the restructuring of its debt

Francisco Toledo has drawn attention to the fact that during 2016 management has successfully paid off debts pending to the Foundation “thus giving the institution more credibility and placing it in a position to be able to provide effective service to the Port Community.”

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Toledo has announced at the Propeller a new valuation of land

The president of the Port Authority of Castellón has thanked the Port Community for its efforts which have resulted in record traffic figures for 2016.The President of the Port Authority of Castellón, Francisco Toledo, has announced that a new valuation of the land belonging to the Port Authority will results in a savings of 10% for concession holders.

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Toledo oversees the work undertaken to repair the damage to infraestructure by the recen gales

The Port Authority estimates the damage caused by high waves will cost 450,000 euros.

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2016 sees PortCastelló break its own records

Goods have come from or been transported to more than 101 countries.

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Puerto de Castellón

The port returns the best ever figures for december in goods traffic

Solid bulks and general cargo have grown more than 20% at PortCastelló

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The port of Castelló welcomes students from the Caminás Secondary School

The port of Castellón has welcomed a group of 50 students studying the third year of ESO from the Caminás Secondary School. The visit by school

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