
Press releases

PortCastelló holds a meeting to discuss SOLAS

16 June 2016


The Port Authority has informed the parties involved about the strategy to follow and the new regulations.

The Port Authority of Castellón has held various meetings with shipping agents of regular lines and terminal operators to infrom them about new regulations which affect the export of goods in containers. The new rule, which has been established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), demands the verification of the gross mass of the containers before being loaded from the 1st July onwards.

PortCastelló has held two meeting so far with the parties involved to inform them of the method which will applied from now on to verify the weight of the conatiners.

In a first phase the port of Castellón will adopt the system known as ‘Levante without papers’ with exports, which will reduce the amount of administrative paper work concerning the authorization for the exit of goods from the port. Trials have begun today and will go on until the 1st July when the new regulations come into force.

The aim is to apply VERMAS in a second phase, this is an IT system for the exchange of information which will make it possible to obtain information about the weight of the container telematically.The obliagation to declare the weight of containers before embarcation has the aim of improving the safety of workers in the maritime sector and all those working in the logistic chain.




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